Opening hours

Monday–Thursday 8:00 – 12:00
13:30 – 17:30
Friday Reserved for laser treatments and operations


05.08. – 16.08.2024
07.10. – 18.10.2024
23.12. – 03.01.2025
Frauenpermanence 058 715 22 22
Dr. Wolf 044 576 93 73


044 202 19 09

Dear patients

Detailed information can be found on my website, however I would like to highlight the most important points.

If you have acute symptoms and need an urgent consultation…

  • You will be given an appointment for the same day
  • Please contact us
    • by calling the surgery
    • via email, our contact form
    • by calling the Zurich Ärztefon (Medphone) (if the surgery telephone is not answered)

If you are pregnant or planning for pregnancy…


If you need a medical check-up, would like a second opinion or wish to discuss any other gynaecological issues…

  • You will be given a prompt appointment
  • Please bring with you any relevant documents and your vaccination booklet
  • Please allow approx. 30 minutes for the consultation and examination

If you need or wish treatment with laser technology…


Best regards, Helge Köhler

At our practice, the focus is on you.
Offering you a safe, comprehensive and sound medical service is important to us.